Thursday, October 14, 2010

1 Malaysia Cultural Exposition

Student In Free Enterprise (SIFE)  is organizing a groundbreaking event alongside the theme 1 Malaysia an event named 1 Malaysia Cultural Exposition. This event will showcase the series of events which will take place prior to the date of this event such as Hari Raya Aidiladha, Portuguese Culture Day, Deepavali, Winter Solstis, Christmas and New Year.

 “1 Malaysia Cultural Exposition” is a three day long event starting  from the 4th  till 6th  of march 2011 which centres on cultural and social activities as it will be exhibited during our event at the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage City Malacca . Booths will be allocated to small businesses run by families to give them an opportunity to earn extra income as well as to cultural and tradition associations in Malacca to exhibit their culture and tradition in hand. On the other hand, the under privileged, orphans and single mothers are invited to this event and donations will continuously be generated and given to them after the event.
         The main objectives of the event are to:
                    1.  Provide platform to learn, understand, and promote cultures and traditions.
                    2.  To enlarge the scope of 1 Malaysia Concept into charity events.


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